Just because a bird has wings does not mean it can fly; this is the rule, not the exception. Every start-up should have at least one mentor who is an experienced person in the industrial vertical they have chosen to work within.

Mentoring is one of the most valuable resources an incubator can offer an entrepreneur.

Mentoring makes it easier for an entrepreneur to overcome the known and unknown challenges of a start-up based on the knowledge and experiences of the mentor through their help with coaching, counselling and providing direction. Mentoring provides an objective perspective to assist in dealing with frustration, constructive criticism, crossing obstacles etc.

Your Friend

In the early stages of any start-up, entrepreneurs often get carried away by the blind belief that it is their idea that will build the company. Very often, friends and family will share their opinion, which often leads to complacency on the part of the entrepreneur. Every entrepreneur needs an unbiased friend who understands their idea and can hold their hand through the challenges of converting their concept to a marketable product. You have a friend as a mentor.

Your Teacher

Knowledge acquired from experience is priceless. In the process of learning, one does fall many times; this stands true for entrepreneurs and start-ups who, due to the lack of experience, face hurdles which seem gigantic but, when faced with expertise, turn out to be nothing but a little bump in the road. Through the knowledge acquired from experience, mentors help start-ups and entrepreneurs foresee, face and overcome obstacles that would come their way on the road to success.

Your Colleague

When the founders come together to build a start-up, conflicts often arise between them. Generally, the founders hold the top management and often enough, there are no colleagues to mediate disputes to a satisfactory end. A mentor has walked this line many times, and life experiences teach one how to resolve these conflicts without them affecting the flow and growth of the company. A mentor is everyone’s favourite colleague because their only interest is that you succeed.

Your Partner

Time is money, and a mentor’s most significant investment in a start-up, second only to their knowledge transfer, is time. A mentor without vested interests spends large amounts of time with start-ups and their founders, understanding their shortfalls, strengths, weaknesses, goals, desires, aspirations, etc., to help them establish the start-up in line with their vision and mission. In investing their time, the mentor becomes a part of the start-up’s family and a partner in their success.

A mentor is an indispensable part of today’s start-ups. In the rapidly developing world, there is not enough time to make mistakes, find solutions, and cross hurdles through your own experience and why try when you can learn from an experienced person? A good mentor will be a Your Friend, Teacher, Colleague & Partner all in one and will help an entrepreneur lead a start-up to success.

In short, successful start-ups need to be Mentored to Perfection.